Consulting Services
Progressive Educational Consulting
If you are a school leader looking to —
Change school policy, reinvent protocol, create a new program, evolve a new philosophy, troubleshoot, problem solve or innovate. Melissa offers expertise, insight, and guidance through the entire process as well as does the back work to make the execution seamless and less time consuming for you.
*Hourly, monthly or yearly rates
Integrated Instructional Coaching
Melissa’s coaching model empowers teachers with the tools they need to evolve in a hybrid world. Whether you have new teachers in need of support and weekly learning, or seasoned teachers in need of innovation and evolution of practice, Melissa comes to each scenario with innovative perspective.
*Semester or year long contracts
Professional Learning
Melissa has presented at conferences like COSEBOC, ASCD, Kansas KAIRS and more. She does not come in to your schools to sell a product or a protocol she curates your professional learning experiences around your goals and aspirations. Her specialties are environmental education, Interdisciplinary exploration and project creation, curriculum design, equitable engagement, innovative instruction, ed-tech integration, vertical alignment of writing across disciplines and land-based learning.